The Company You Keep

It's been a while.... Eleven months actually. I feel like each day I want to write, but something gets in the way, so I tuck my thoughts away. I now have a library of thoughts and stories. I am sure you do to. While the "Great Pause" is still going, life truly is zooming by. Some days are slow, some fast but added up together and shake the snow globe... it’s a blur. We’ve been in this pandemic limbo for almost a full year. I have so much to say, so many dots I wish to connect with other parents and their journey. There is also the quiet acknowledgment of, “Wow this has been complicated and hard. But we will get through it.” Because, truthfully, how can one fully express all that might have been experienced this past year? We just can't. Last night as I drove home from Alessandra’s ballet class, I felt myself relax. What started as a teary and anxious day became relaxed. Almost like a great exhale. Exhausted, but I was at peace. I felt fulfilled, loved and supported. It wasn’t the 4 hours of studio to car to studio shuffle, cooking, cleaning and packing a dinner to go- it was everything that got me there to that moment. While I could tell the story in detail, I will give you one word: FRIENDSHIP. This ease came from the women who surround me on this journey. The company I keep. They are warm. They are kind. They are strong. They are love. As a mom, especially when you live far from family, you learn quickly that you need a safety next. You need the type of encouragement, love, guidance and strength that only another mother or woman can give. They can be local or far, each fitting in your puzzle of motherhood; a true sisterhood. Friends from six years of age to ones you have just met in your 30’s. Friends who are a phone call away or just around the corner. I am so lucky to have women who love me and my children unconditionally. From pre-test pep talks for Alessandra and rejoicing in her victories, to sitting by my side in a hospital room, it’s never ending. They show up for every moment big and small. I smile as I think about this little safety net of genuine and deep bonds. It’s the funny texts that nobody else finds funny to a holiday drop off to keep us distracted. Or maybe it is a call that makes zero sense and means the world because you are so close to losing it; but you don’t because they guide you without judgement. It’s a run to let the worries ALL melt away. It's them, the company I keep. Last night it just hit me. I am fulfilled with this bond of sisterhood. Life is not easy or simple. Life can be hectic, messy and sad. But it is also completely fascinating in the most beautiful way, especially when you have such wonderful company. xx MLT


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